What Do You Write on Dad, Mom, Husband, and Wife Headstone? 

What Do You Write on Dad, Mom, Husband, and Wife Headstone?

Dealing with the passing of a parent or spouse is one of the most impossible tasks. But in these difficult times, we must find strength to memorialize them. Bereaved families make their best efforts to capture the deceased’s life essence. The headstone design and inscriptions usually reflect the person’s humanity and strength. Besides designs, people often struggle to find gravestone marker sayings for graves. 

Taking your time is the best advice our experts can offer at Stone Discover. Selecting wordings to write on dad, mom, husband, and wife headstone can take months. In this blog, we will share a list of ideas for inscriptions for headstones for parents and spouses. You might find some inspiration by looking at this list of epitaph for father, mother, and spouse

Remember to take your time in selecting headstone inscriptions for mum, dad, husband, or wife. Sometimes short and simple quotes are the most touching and powerful. If you see the one that reflects the deceased’s character and soul, know that you’ve found the right words. Here are some inscription ideas below. We hope you find something that helps you commemorate them and express your love. 

What to Put on a Gravestone? 

There are different elements that a family can put on the deceased’s grave. Most of it depends on the headstone design, including inscriptions. For example, if it’s double headstones for graves, then there’s going to be ample space to write. But if it’s a single headstone with two names, the space to engrave anything might be scarce. So, one must make the design selection as per their requirements. 

While people can choose to engrave different things, there are some common wordings. These include quotes, short sayings, and poems. The inscriptions can also be a motto that the deceased lived by a line from their favorite movie, or a bible verse. Let’s understand these three categories in brief below. 


Quotes for headstones for parents and spouses can be from anywhere. Families can take quotes from the departed’s favorite books, novels, films or plays. It can be a meaningful way to remember your loved one. If there’s a quote that the passed lived by, one can also consider engraving that on the gravestone. We’ll share some ideas for gravestone quotes for mom, dad, husband, or wife below. 

Headstone Quotes for Dad 

  • “He loved people and laughter. His friends were his world.” 
  • “A father knows his child’s heart, as only a child can know his father’s.” 
  • “Our loving father.” 
  • “Beloved husband and father. Forever in our hearts.” 
  • “A loving Dad, tender and kind, what a beautiful memory you left behind.” 

Loving Memory Headstone Quotes for Mom 

  • “A loving wife, mother, and friend. Forever in our hearts.” 
  • “A beautiful lady, we miss you.” 
  • “Forever in our thoughts, forever in our hearts.” 
  • “A devoted and caring mom. She will be deeply missed.” 
  • “A mother holds her children’s hands for a while, their hearts forever.” 

Gravestone Quotes for Parents 

  • “Beloved by all who knew them.” 
  • “We lived together in happiness. Now we rest together in peace.” 
  • “What we once enjoyed and deeply loved we can never lose, for all that we love deeply becomes part of us.” 
  • “Our parents, you are with us always—whether near or far. For you see, we’re connected by the heart.” 
  • “Loving and kind in all their ways, upright and just to the end of their days.” 

Short Memorial Quotes for Husband 

  • “You were the light of my life, and your love still shines bright.” 
  • “Ours was a great love story that we will continue together someday.” 
  • “I never wanted to be without you, but your love comforts me.” 
  • “Even death did not end our love.” 
  • “When we meet again, I shall hold you in my arms and never let you go.” 

Beautiful Words to Put on a Headstone for Wife 

  • “Spirited, caring and beautiful.” 
  • “You will forever be my always.” 
  • “In you, I’ve found the love of my life.” 
  • “Part of my soul has loved you since the beginning of everything.” 
  • “She was beauty, grace and kindness and will not be forgotten.” 

Headstone Inscriptions for Husband and Wife 

  • “A great marriage is not when the ‘perfect couple’ comes together. It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences.” 
  • “Real love stories never have endings.” 
  • “Two halves of the same soul joining together in life’s journey.” 
  • “No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us, and his love is made complete in us.” 
  • “Let all that you do be done in love.” 

Short Sayings 

Bereaved families can also go for short sayings that sum up their loved one’s life. A saying that reflects the long-term relationship, shared experiences, and special memories. Make sure this saying reminds you of their relationship with you. You can either take a sample quote and give it a personal touch, or also pick one as it is. Everything works well if it resonates with the deceased and your relationship. 

Short Gravestone Sayings for Father 

  • “He had a kindly word for each and died beloved by all.” 
  • “No man is indispensable, but some are irreplaceable.” 
  • “His true wealth was in his generous heart. And what endless wealth he did have.” 
  • “Thank you for your courage and inspiration.” 
  • “We are proud you are ours one of the best.” 

Short Headstone Sayings for Mother 

  • “Grace was in all her steps, heaven in her eye, in every gesture dignity and love.” – By John Milton 
  • “A kinder, gentler woman you will never meet again.” 
  • “To know even one life breathed easier because she lived is to know she succeeded while here.” 
  • “She lives with us in memory & will for evermore.” 
  • “God’s greatest gift returned to God — my mother.” 

Short Headstone Inscriptions for Mother and Father 

  • “The hours’ part us but they bring us together again.” 
  • “Sometimes it’s easy to forget how much you miss people until you see them again.” 
  • “Our brief partings on Earth will appear one day as nothing besides the joy of eternity together.” 
  • Tonight, I am with old friends, and we are returning home. The moon is our witness.” 
  • In loving memory of mum and dad.” 

Short Headstone Sayings for Wife 

  • “She passed through glory’s morning gate and walked in paradise.” 
  • “She loved people and laughter.” 
  • “She is resting peacefully with Jesus in that beautiful home above.” 
  • “To know her was to love her.” 
  • “She served and kept the faith.” 

Short Gravestone Inscriptions Husband and Wife 

  • “True love lasts forever.” – Joseph B. Wirthlin 
  • “Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.” – Romans 12:10 
  • “And above all this put-on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.” 
  • “Together forever with our Savior.” 
  • “Together in life and death.” 


Poems can be a more memorable and elegant way of expressing emotions. It can be a popular poem that means a lot to the departed or it can be a personalized poem written by a family member. Writing original verses for headstones can make it more special, fitting and touching. Let’s look at some short poem ideas for headstones below. 

Headstone in Loving Memory Poems for Mom 

  • “If roses grow in heaven, Lord please pick a bunch for me. Place them in my mother’s arms and tell her they’re from me.” 
  • “You fly into my dreams and when I am asleep, your wings brush against my face wiping away the tears I shed since I can no longer hold you in my arms but in my heart.” 
  • “How is it that I never saw your wings when you were here with me?” 
  • “We remember now in love, your life from start to end, and we’re glad we knew you, As Mother, and as Friend.” 
  • “I think of you walking along a headland of green oats in June, so full of repose, so rich with life – and I see us meeting at the end of a town.” 

Headstone Inscriptions for Mum and Dad 

  • “We think of you in silence. We often say your name. But all we have are memories, and your picture in a frame.” 
  • “The Lord watches between thee and me. While we are absent one from the other.” 
  • Looking back with memories, Upon the path you trod, we bless the hours we had with you, and leave the rest with God. 
  • “In the hearts of those who loved you. You will always be there.” 
  • “Safe in the arms of Jesus, Safe on His loving breast.” 

Beautiful Words to Put on a Headstone for Husband 

  • “Loving son, brother and a better half. Friend to many and inspiration to all!” 
  • “One brief moment and all will be as it was before only better, infinitely happier and forever we will all be one together with Christ.” Henry Scott Holland 
  • “Gods in His heaven – All’s right with the world!” 
  • “There is not in the wide world a valley so sweet, as that vale in whose bosom the bright waters meet.” Thomas Moore 
  • “Would that I were heaven, that I might be. All full of love, lit eyes to gaze on thee.” – Plato 

Poems to Write on Wife’s Headstone 

  • “The song has ended but the melody lingers on.” 
  • In memories we find comfort, in love we find peace. 
  • “Step softly, a dream lies buried here.” 
  • “In memory of a life so beautifully lived, love so deeply shared, and spirit so deeply missed.” 
  • “Your love will light my way; your memory will forever be with me.” 

Gravestone Inscriptions for Husband and Wife 

  • “Loved beyond words, missed beyond measure.” 
  • “Our love transcends time and space.” 
  • “Together always, apart never.” 
  • “Partners in love and life, now together for eternity.” 
  • “Always and forever, the two of us.” 

Each memorial must celebrate the departed. And no matter which kind of inscription you choose, ensure it’s something that you and your family will be content with for years to come. Yet, with so many options to consider, making the right choices can be challenging. Especially, when families are in the middle of grieving. That’s when Stone Discover comes in. 

Why Choose Stone Discover? 

Let’s look at compelling reasons why buyers should buy from Stone Discover.  

  • Experience: We have been in the stone industry for over four decades. We offer nothing but the best cemetery monuments with our experience and expertise.  
  • Product Variety: We carry a wide product range. We have everything from upright headstones, couple headstones, angel headstones, memorial bench, slant headstones to kerb sets.  
  • Bulk Orders: We specialize in catering to the needs of business that deal in headstones and monuments. That’s why we do bulk orders for our clients.  
  • Custom Orders: Our products can be tailored to clients’ preferences and needs.  
  • Wholesale Prices: Our prices are reasonable. At the same time, we do not compromise with the quality of gravestones.  
  • Secure Packaging: We ensure the bulk orders are packed securely and are delivered to our buyers in ideal conditions.  
  • Quick Deliveries: Stone Discover strives to make deliveries in the shortest lead time possible.  
At Stone Discover, we offer a wide range of headstones and monuments. Our collection consists of everything from upright headstones, memorial benches, angel headstones, slant headstones, and couple headstones to kerb sets. Most of our cemetery memorials are made from natural stones such as granite. We also do custom orders where clients can customize granite colors, gravestone designs, engravings and more.